Monday, October 18, 2010

Prayers for Tyler Ketchum

tyler update via rev marg,
101710, 1.56 pm edt: Tylers
condition continues to fluctuate up
and down. He is strong and Prayer
is holding him up. Pray he has
enough time for them to figure out
what is causing this and what to do
about it. 24 minutes ago
2 seconds ago
tyler update via vivian, 101710,
1.25 pm edt: I was able to get a good night's rest last night. Saw
Tyler this morning, the fever is gone, but he still on the meds to get
the brain swelling down and they are still draining him. I am hoping
the meds are working. 3 hours ago
via rev. marg, 101610, 2.15 pm edt: Tyler Ketchum - Medicine
Bear Man - 24 year old Aboriginal youth - grew up in the 'hood',
stayed in school, stayed out of gangs and prostitution, graduated gr
12, trained as a security guard, works for APTN, wants to be a police
officer. He is fighting for his life. Has a brain tumor, brain is
swelling, fluid on the brain, running a fever @ Health Sci Cen Wpg.
Please pray.2 hrs ago
via rev marg, FRI, 12 pm edt: Update re Tyler Ketchum: The
pressure has gone way too high in Tylers brain and there is fluid
accumulating again. He is loosing ground again. Keep praying.
about an hour ago
via Vivian, 12.18 pm edt: Tyler's brain pressure is swelling and
they have given him meds to try to bring it down, the doctors are
still draining him. He was unresponsive this morning when the
nurse tried to wake him up. She had to yell and shake him to wake
him. The doctors are doing more tests to try to find out what is
wrong with him. All the know it is tumour and it is bleeding.
22 minutes ago
Thurs. Oct. 14, 11.30 am edt, via Rev. Marg: Tyler is more stable.
They have moved him to a step down unit and are going to try and
do an angiogram today. He is by no means out of the woods. Now
they have to deal with the brain tumor and find the reason for the
bleed in his brain. Keep praying.
4 pm, via Rev Marg:
Tyler's bleed stopped. They woke him up. He is alert. His vision is
not good. His short memory is no good. He is restless. He is by no
means out of the woods yet but Praise the Lord he is awake and his
memory from before Monday is intact. Still facing more tests and
possible brain surgery.
Tyler said to thank everyone for their prayers. He asked me to tell
people he has a brain tumor and he is going to be okay. He doesn't
want you to worry. But if he has to go [to heaven] that's okay too.
Vivian, his Mom said don't send cards or flowers. If you want to
show your suppport for Tyler please send a donation to WICM for
the Christmas hampers. Box 2444 Station Main WPG MB R3C 4A7.
14 minutes ago
10.25 am EDT, Wed. Oct. 13 via Rev Margaret:
Tyler is hanging in there thanks to all the prayers. He is still critical
and still bleeding into the brain. I will update when I know more
later today - keep praying. I do not have access to the internet from
up at the hospital. I can respond to email from my phone
6 minutes ago
10.25 pm via Vivian:
Still no change in my son's condition. I was that they would wake
him up, but he will stay sedated until tomorrow then check him
again. I feel strenthgen by the number of family members who came
in to see my son. Family frm Berens Rivers, winnipeg, frm his dad's
side and frm Kenora area and Thunder bay, my side of family.
Grateful for the prayers!
2 hours ago
4 pm via Rev Marg:
Keep on praying. Tyler is critical. He is bleeding into his brain. They
are trying to stabilize him so they can get an angiogram done. The
neuro surgeons do not know what is causing the bleeding. He has
two shunts in now to drain the blood and fluid off and he is heavily
sedated so they needed to put in a respirator to help him breathe
2 hours ago
3 pm via Vivian:
no change in my son's condition. His father was there to see him
and was extremely upset and left in tears. The doctors said it could
go either way. I can only stand by my son's bedside for nly few
minutes myself. It is heart breaking to see your child that way. The
nurses try to offer me a chair, but I am too scared to relax, scared
he is going to get worse.
11.30 am, Tues Oct 12
This info is via Rev Margaret Mullin, of Winnipeg Inner City
Missions, friend of Tyler’s mom, Vivian Ketchum. Vivian was one of
our contacts on the youth mission trip this summer. Please forward.
Tyler Ketchum needs our prayers. Vivian Ketchum's 24 year son.
Tyler had a headache yesterday bad enough to go to emerg. last
evening. They discovered a marble sized tumor in his brain. It
started to bleed out. He is in Surgical intensive care waiting for the
neurosurgical team of doctors to decide on how to best proceed.
Tyler was moved to surgical intensive care at 4:30 a.m. The
bleeding inside his brain got worse. He has tubes in his head to
drain the blood until they find a way to stop it. Pray harder
Health Science Centre (Winnipeg) adult surgical intensive care.
Vivian is home right now trying to contact family. Tyler is heavily
sedated and the Drs need access to him
Tyler has grown up in a dangerous neighbourhood, stayed in
school, graduated with grade 12, trained as a security guard and is
working full time for APTN. He wants to be a cop. He wants people
to know that you can grow up poor, live in the 'hood', stay out of
the gang life, stay in school, and be good.
Please join me in prayer that the right thing is done at the right
time and that he survives with no brain damage as a result.

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